# |
Ülke |
Türk nüfus |
Tarih |
Ek bilgi |
1 |
flagicon|Almanya Almanya |
2.637.000 [cite web|author= Center for Studies on Turkey, University of Essen|publisher=Turkish Industrialists` and Businessmen`s Association|url=http://www.tusiad.org/haberler/basin/ab/9.pdf|başlık=The European Turks: Gross Domestic Product, Working Population, Entrepreneurs and Household Data|format=PDF|accessdate=2007-01-06|date=2003] |
2003 |
Almanya Türkleri |
2 |
bayrak|Bulgaristan Bulgaristan |
746.664[cite web|author= National Statistical Institute of the Republic Bulgaria|url=http://www.nsi.bg/Census/Ethnos.htm|başlık=2001 Census Ethnicity Data|format=HTML|accessdate=2007-01-06|date=2001-03-01] |
2001 |
Bulgaristan Türkleri |
3 |
flagicon|Fransa Fransa |
370.000 |
2003 |
Fransa Türkleri |
4 |
flagicon|hollanda Hollanda |
270.000 |
2003 |
Hollanda Türkleri |
5 |
flagicon|avusturya Avusturya |
200.000 |
2003 |
Avusturya Türkleri |
6 |
flagicon|ABD Amerika |
117.575[cite web|author=United States Census Bureau|authorlink=United States Census Bureau|url=http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFIteratedFacts?_event=&geo_id=01000US&_geoContext=01000US&_street=&_county=&_cityTown=&_state=&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=&_useEV=&pctxt=fph&pgsl=010&_submenuId=factsheet_2&ds_name=DEC_2000_SAFF&_ci_nbr=571&qr_name=DEC_2000_SAFF_A1010®=DEC_2000_SAFF_A1010%3A571&_keyword=&_industry=|] |
başlık=Census 2000 Demographic Profile Highlights, Population Group: Turkish (434)|format=HTML|accessdate=2007-01-06|date=2000-04-01
2000 |
ABD Türkleri |
7 |
flagicon|belçika Belçika |
110.000 |
2003 |
Belçika Türkleri |
8 |
flagicon|Brezilya Brezilya |
100.000- 200.000 |
tahmini |
Brezilya Türkleri |
9 |
flagicon|yunanistan Yunanistan |
150.000 |
tahmini |
Batı Trakya Türkleri,Oniki Ada Türkleri,Girit Türkleri |
10 |
flagicon|Rusya Rusya |
92.415[cite web|author= Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Centre for Russian Studies|url=http://www.nupi.no/cgi-win/Russland/etnisk.exe?total|başlık=Ethnic Groups in Russia|format=HTML|accessdate=2007-01-06|date=2002] |
2002 |
Rusya Türkleri |
11 |
flagicon|isviçre İsviçre |
90.000 |
2003 |
İsviçre Türkleri |
12 |
flagicon|makedonya Makedonya |
77.959[cite web|author= State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia|url=http://www.stat.gov.mk/pdf/kniga_13.pdf|başlık=Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Macedonia, 2002|format=PDF|accessdate=2007-01-07|date=May 2005] |
2002 |
Makedonya Türkleri |
13 |
Birleşik Krallık |
70.000 |
2003 |
Birleşik Krallık Türkleri |
14 |
flagicon|Avustralya Avustralya |
54.595[cite web|author=Australian Bureau of Statistics|authorlink=Australian Bureau of Statistics|url=http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/free.nsf/log?openagent&20540_2001.pdf&2054.0&Publication&3382D783B76B605BCA256E91007AB88E&&2001&12.05.2004&Latest|] |
başlık=2001 Census, 2054.0 Australian Census Analytic Program: Australians` Ancestries|format=PDF|accessdate=2007-01-06|date=2004-12-05
2001 |
Avustralya Türkleri |
15 |
flagicon|danimarka Danimarka |
53.000 |
2003 |
Danimarka Türkleri |
16 |
Kosova |
50.000 |
1999 |
Kosova Türkleri |
17 |
flagicon|İsveç İsveç |
37.000 |
2003 |
İsveç Türkleri |
18 |
flagicon|Romanya Romanya |
32.596[cite web|author= National Institute of Statistics of Romania|url=http://www.recensamant.ro/fisiere/preliminary%20results%202002.doc|başlık=Census of Population and Dwellings, March 18 - 27, 2002|format=DOC|accessdate=2007-01-06|date=March 2002] |
2002 |
Romanya Türkleri |
19 |
flagicon|kanada Kanada |
24.910[cite web|author=Statistics Canada|authorlink=Statistics Canada|url=http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/products/standard/themes/RetrieveProductTable.cfm?Temporal=2001&PID=62911&APATH=3&GID=431515&METH=1&PTYPE=55440&THEME=44&FOCUS=0&AID=0&PLACENAME=0&PROVINCE=0&SEARCH=0&GC=0&GK=0&VID=0&FL=0&RL=0&FREE=0| başlık=2001 Census, Topic-based Tabulations, Ethnocultural Portrait of Canada|format=HTML|accessdate=2007-01-06|date=2001-05-15] |
2001 |
Kanada Türkleri |
20 |
flagicon|İran İran |
30.000 |
tahmini |
İran Türkleri |
21 |
flagicon|Norveç Norveç |
14.084[cite web|author=Statistics Norway|authorlink=Statistics Norway|url=http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/02/01/10/innvbef_en/tab-2006-05-11-05-en.html|başlık=Immigrant population and persons with other immigrant background, by country background and sex. 1 January 2006 (Corrected 18 May 2006)|format=HTML|accessdate=2007-01-07|date=2006-05-18] |
2006 |
Norveç Türkleri |
22 |
flagicon|Irak Irak |
450.000 - 500,000 |
tahmini |
Irak Türkmenleri |
23 |
flagicon|italya İtalya |
11.077[cite web|author=Istat - Italian National Institute of Statistics|authorlink=Istituto Nasyonel Sosyalistonale di Statistica|url=http://www.demo.istat.it/str2004/index_e.html|başlık=Foreigner Citizens. Demographic Balance for the year 2004 and Resident Population on 31st December|format=HTML|accessdate=2007-01-07|date=2004-12-31] |
2004 |
İtalya Türkleri |
24 |
flagicon|Suriye Suriye |
10.000Fact|date=February 2007 |
tahmini |
Suriye Türkleri |
25 |
Güney Kıbrıs Rum Kesimi |
2,000 |
tahmini |
Kıbrıs Türkleri |
26 |
flagicon|Japonya Japonya |
1.194[cite web|author=The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan|authorlink=Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan)|url=http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/middle_e/turkey/index.html|başlık=Japan-Turkey Relations|format=HTML|accessdate=2007-01-06|date=June 2006] |
2006 |
Japonya Türkleri |
Toplam (yüksek) |
5.675.069 |
Toplam (düşük) |
5.567.069 |